The online gubbins
of Dan Gibson

Welcome to the new GonMad.

GonMad started life online in around 1993 as and has gone through many revisions since then.

This latest incarnation is the result of my wanting to concentrate on the various projects that fall under the GonMad and No Original Thought banners (and because the old GonMad site was looking very outdated and had way too many broken links.)

The decision was made to move GonMad over to a WordPress site so that it could be easily maintained and so that coding effort could be directed towards those other projects. It also allows for occasional blog posting and review posting, so watch this space for more of that…

I’m slowly migrating old links and content into this new format, but while that is an ongoing process you can click here to access the old index page – just be aware that a lot of stuff is broken on that page!
